Without strategy, we are just like the band Kansas says, “Dust in the Wind.” Take the time to REALLY understand the purpose, vision, and processes that will lead you to success. “Failure to plan is planning to fail.” How much time do you spend ON your business rather than IN the business? If you are not taking the time to develop a long-term vision and the strategy to accompany it, you are making a huge mistake. Read the posts below to get some insights on strategic planning ideas.
At long last, my best friend has arrived - that is Camtasia 2020! I've been a Camtasia user for about five years and I'm pumped about this latest installment. I
If you are doing freelance work, act as a contractor, or hire freelancers, I have a few cool resources for you to check out.
Plus, I wanted to help a guy
"What makes you different from your competitors?" I asked. "Well that's easy..it's our awesome service!" Said the struggling sales rep.
That conversation has always been the kiss of death, my friend.
A brilliant marketing move by U2 and Apple last week is a lesson you can apply to your business. Give away your goods!
Last week, iPhone users were shocked to find U2's
Yesterday, Tesla in a massively bold move, opened all of their patents to the public in a hilariously titled blog post, "All our patents are belong to you." (which is
"Organizations learn only through individuals who learn. Individual learning does not guarantee organizational learning. But without it no organizational learning occurs."
I read that this morning at about 3:00 am when
Like many business owners, I hate all the paperwork and stuff I have to do to just keep organized and keep my business running.
Each year, I have used numerous spreadsheets, software,