I think that perhaps sometimes we take things too seriously. Amirite? And that business interaction after interaction kind of just blend into each other and get pretty redundant. I am
Let's cut to the chase. My dog is rad.
I have been doing a lot of speaking lately and consulting some really cool businesses. Lots going on, and everyone has a
Recently I dove into a brilliant book called The 5 Levels of Leadership by John C Maxwell. Once in while, something like this just slaps me in the face with a reality
“I don’t know if that applies to me because I am just old school.” We hear this quite often in business when new ideas and technology are introduced. And it
Whether you are just starting out or have an established business, at some point you will hit a roadblock and need to re-focus. It might be that you have ran
Everyone has the ability to lead in some way. Most people think they have to wait until they are in a supervisory or management position before thinking about their leadership