How many times have you heard people say they want to be innovative, when in reality they don't want to change a thing?
Leaders talk at length about their desire to
Hey! Do you have $50? You must have it lying around somewhere? Well I would love you to pause for a moment and think about getting involved in this project.
"Organizations learn only through individuals who learn. Individual learning does not guarantee organizational learning. But without it no organizational learning occurs."
I read that this morning at about 3:00 am when
I have said it before, and I will say it again: Two things kills productivity. M & Ms - Managers and Meetings. I have sat through countless meetings with managers
In your business, people are everything. You understand how important it is to paint a clear vision to your customers to get them excited about a way forward with you.
More meetings? Hooray! Oh wait, you're NOT saying that? Okay, well hopefully this post will help you out. Remember in my previous post I talked about:
Two things that kill productivity?
As I have mentioned before, one of my favorite books is The 5 Levels of Leadership by John Maxwell. While I was reading it, I found some super leadership lessons that I