Increase your sales immediately with easy, simple tactics. Learn how to master the psychology of sales, which will help you close sales more effectively.
Why don't people just GET what you are saying?
Maybe you need to take a look at the way you communicate and that the brain actually makes decisions way before people
What separates the top performers from the runner-ups?
I think that everyone can sell more effectively, no matter what level they are at. I personally work on my skills every single
Brace yourself - here comes the pitch!
We've all been sold to before. Nobody likes it, and nobody wants to do it. Face it though, selling is the most fundamental part
The days of the great salesperson swooping in to save the day are over. Or are they?
I am in the middle of writing my new book and have been thoroughly
When you speak to your customers, are you known as a resource or a nuisance?
I get questions often about selling to today's informed customer. Usually these are the excuses:
"They just
Stop saying, "I just need to get motivated." Science proves that action trumps motivation.
We hear it all the time. People want to get more done, they want to be successful, and they want to create change. But
Have you been sitting on an idea for a while and just can't get yourself to make it happen? Well what's stopping you?
Are you afraid of what people will think?